Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is that a gun or are you just happy to...what the hell are you packing in there!?!

"Spin the globe and pick a spot -- it's time for you to satisfy some wanderlust."

That is my horoscope for today.  Fitting, since I am off to Germany in 8 DAYS!!!  I have spun the globe, so to speak, and I am soon off to satisfy some of the travel bug that has been biting my ass for the last year. 

We have the itinerary set.  The babysitter and dog sitter is lined up.  The tickets are purchased and everyone has been informed we are leaving for a few weeks.  The only things left to do are get our vacation pay...and pack!

Oh my goodness, packing is such a pain in the ass!  What do I take?  What do I leave home?  I have never been on a flight longer than a couple of hours so how much stuff am I going to need to keep me from being bored out of my mind?

"Leave the gun.  Take the cannoli."

Well, that is good in theory but in actual packing instructions, that statement sucks!  Of course I have to leave the gun--I'm not a terrorist.  And I'm not so fond of cannoli so I'll pack some Twizzlers Pull-n-Peel instead.  :)

So far, my packing has gone a little like this...

"Oh look!  A fanny pack from the early '80's!  I could use that to hold my money and things without having to worry about a thief taking my purse.  I'll take that."  And in the suitcase it goes.

"A new Janet Evanovich book just came out!  I will buy that to read on the plane ride over."  And a trip to the store is made to buy the book and in the suitcase it goes.

"Honey!  Check this out!  You hang it around your neck and put your money and passport and ID in it so that you have it handy for customs and you don't have to reach into your pocket or search through your purse.  I'm buying one!"  Said on shopping trip to buy the above book as I through it in the cart, purchased it and then threw it in the suitcase as well.

"Here is a book light, a travel pillow, a teddy bear, a picture of my kids, a deck of cards, a puzzle book, a COSMO magazine, and a clean pair of underwear that I will need on the plane."  And in the suitcase they go.

"Oh, damn.  I forgot to do the laundry last night and now I don't have any clean underwear to wear to work.  Oh yeah!  In the suitcase!"  And out they come. 

"What is my teddy bear doing in this suitcase?  I don't need this.  I'm not seven!"  And out it comes. 

"Where did I put that book light?  I want to read and the Hubby is sleeping so I can't turn on the light.  Oh yeah!  The suitcase!"  And out it comes. 

"Well, shit.  Now I messed up my checklist by taking things out of the suitcase!  I either have to write it all over or, or..."  And the contents get dumped back out on my bed to be put back where they were eventually put away.

*sigh*  I guess I will start all over tomorrow. 

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