Monday, December 22, 2008

An Interview...

Janelle over at 5 Minutes Till Normal put out a call for interviewees via her blog and I figured what the heck.  So I answered her call and here are the questions she has bestowed upon me.  You know how I am with question and answer type things!  Yippee!!!  Enjoy!  And look at the end of the post for instructions on how to get interviewed yourself!

1) I see that you are going to Germany in 2009. What are three other things you plan on doing in 2009? hubby, myself, Lady K, and Crazy Kat are going to see Jeff Dunham perform in April.  I am planning on wearing a pair of Depends (weak Mommy bladder and all) just to make it through the hilarity of the night!  I can't wait!!!
2...I have something special planned for January, but you will have to wait and see what that is because I just can't ruin the surprise of it all.  Sorry!
3...I am planning to start my 101 in 1001.  More about that in an upcoming post.  :)
((Wow, that wasn't a lot of detail there was it?  I guess I am having a hard time thinking past the New Year just yet!))

2) They say that we all have a secret talent, what do you think your secret talent is?
I think that my biggest talent (although not secret) is obsessive multi-tasking.  I can do everything all at once without much faltering.  Other than that, I can sing, belly dance, play a dumbek drum, do anything artsy, remodel and redecorate my home, and plan anything.  I guess my secret talent would be my writing.  I am a writer of fictional stories (mostly short ones) and most people may know that but have never read anything I have written or don't know that I write at all. 

3) Right before you fall asleep, what are some of the last things you think about it? On the other side of that coin, what are some things that you think of when you first wake up?
Usually the last thing I am thinking at night is of whatever I need to do the next day.  My mind spins non-stop whether I am sleeping or not, so it is only normal that it's running right before I fall asleep.  If I have an unusual day of relaxation and nothing to do (yeah right!) the next day, I am thinking about ghosts and whether or not the doors are locked on the house.  On the flip side, first thing in the morning I think about not getting to of bed and reasons to stay home and then when I can't come up with a good reason I think of what I am going to wear.  :)

4) Do you sing in the shower? Car? In front of people?
I rarely sing in the shower and always in the car.  I have been known to sing karaoke and once even performed a duet in front of a packed audience (about 200 people or so) but that was a one-time thing.  I enjoy singing and would sing in front of people if I had something to sing.  But a song must inspire me for me to sing it in front of anyone but my immediate family. 

5) What is one item that you have kept the longest? Can you take a picture of it and post it on your blog?
I guess that would be my blankie.  I still have the one I had when I was a baby in my savings box at my mom's house.  It was a crocheted baby blanket and I drug it everywhere with me.  Usually you could find one corner of it wrapped around my finger and stuck up my nose.  When it became all icky and falling apart, my mom took it away and said it was in the garbage.  I found it many years later in my savings box and have had it ever since.  Even though I was little, I can still feel it and smell it when I close my eyes and think really hard.  I will have to make a trip over to Mom's to get a picture of it so watch for that post in the upcoming weeks.  :)

So those were my interview questions.  I hope I get hired!  :) 
Do you want to be interviewed?  If so, read on...

"Want to be part of it? Follow these instructions:

The only rules are that you have to link back to the original post and you have to put these rules in your post:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the hell... "Interview me" please and thank you! XO you know who! (and yes I will answer them in a timley mannor! and yes I will play by the rules! :)