Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas greetings...prescheduled...then accidentally posted. Argh!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone. I may pop in this weekend but if all goes according to plan I am going to spending some much needed time with my little family of four.

Please send out good thoughts that...
  • Bubba's XBOX came in the mail in time to wrap it for Christmas morning.
  • We were able to successfully replace the gift that Santa got for Teensy that a sister-in-law ended up buying, as well, and telling us about the night before Christmas Eve when it was impossible to drive all the way to Walmart.
  • Dear Hubby decided to go against his bosses wishes, not be the only one at work and be home with me and the kids for our own family togetherness day on Friday, thus giving me something to look forward to.
  • The ham I make to be good and if not at least be edible and everyone be too nice to say a word to the contrary.
  • The appetizer dinner is as good as I have built it up to be in my mind.
  • There are no more fights, arguments, or tears and that the whining be kept to a minimum.
  • Santa remembers to eat the cookies, drink the milk and blow up the snow tubes he's leaving.

Enjoy your holiday, everyone. And if you don't, let me know...they say misery loves company.

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